I.N.C.A. - National Confederal Institute of Assistance - was born on February 11, 1945 on the occasion of the first congress of the GCIL -Italian General Confederation of Labor.
Its mission is to defend the rights of workers, female workers and all Italian citizens, including those living abroad, and support the reform of social legislation in order to achieve a system of protection; protection that is based on the principles of equality and freedom.
Inca is in Italy, in all Europe: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Romania.
In the other continents it is present in: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Peru, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
In recent years, the increase in immigration has led the Inca to open offices also in Senegal, Tunisia and Morocco, from which a large part of foreign workers who intend to settle in our country come.


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